Friday, July 18, 2008

my yard sale!

These pictures are long overdue, sorry for the delay!

I came up with the idea of showcasing the pretty clothes on a clothes line :)

I look like a giant!

My dress was not wind proof :P

The behind the clothing line-in the garage view.

Ron with one of the cutest hats, haha.

I look haggard but us three that put it together! :)

I ended up waking up late for the yard sale so I arrived late which resulted in a loss of early morning bird customers BUT it was still fun and I sold a few things. I didn't sell as much as I wanted to but it was a nice experience. It makes me want to have my own little shop even more, haha. We shall seeee :)



Anonymous said...

i wish i could've gone! you look like you have fabulous things to sell!

Couture Carrie said...

Whoa I could make out like a bandit over there.
Hey, you should put the stuff you didn't sell on ebay - I think it would really sell!!

Anonymous said...

Man I wish I were there!!! Where was your yard sale? I totally would have gone if it was in my area. It looks like you had lots of cuuuute stuff to sell. you should sell on!

Anonymous said...

Hi, this blogsite is uberly interesting i'm sure to always come over for updates and new stuffs. i'm gonna link you just in case i forget your site next time <3

NICOLE said...

your yard sale looks like its burried with hidden treasures!!!! i wish i was there

AlicePleasance said...

How fun and how many great things judging by pictures! I'd love to dig some great yard sales, but unfortunately we don't have them in Italy :-(