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vintage blazer, thrifted black dress, target tights, vintage coach bag, urbanoriginal fringe booties
Link exchange! I've received a lot of comments about link exchanges so if you'd like to exchange links, leave it on this post thank you :) AND Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow(or today for some!) xoxo!

headband: i think some store in the mall!
cardigan: express(?)
skirt: old navy
tights: buffalo exchange
flats: charlotte russe
tote: she & him show in SF!
I bought these two Christmas decorated puppets today at Target. What can I say? I couldn't resist, look how adorable they are :) I love everything about the end of the year holidays. I get so excited about all the meals, decorating, family gatherings, get togethers with friends to exchange gifts! This year I'm participating in a Secret Santa exchange and I've already got so many present ideas! Thank you all for so many lovely comments, I appreciate it so much. This weekend I'm planning on attending The Grinch- with ballet! It should be interesting :)
Also, one more thing:

We can’t wait for any large scale organization to get the word out for us. We have 1 week to put together a NATIONAL PROTEST and start a mobilized movement for equality! When we all come together as one voice on November 15th, we will show the nation that we can do more than just talk, we can act! We won’t solve everything in one protest, but we will fuel the fire to a conversation that can not be silenced! If we stop talking about equality for all, then we will lose the battle. If we allow others to stop talking about it, then we will lose. Hate is not the lack of love, it’s the fear of that which we do not know. This protest along with many others gives us the chance to build on the conversation and educate the masses.
It’s very simple: Infiltrate, Educate, and STOP HATE! Read more about how to get the word out at
Find your protest location here.

where: find your polling place.
bring: state ID, proof of residence just in case (ie an electric bill in your name), and your voters registration card if your state does them.
fraud: if you experience any trouble at the polls report it: 1-866-OUR-VOTE.
remember: IF THE LINES ARE LONG, WAIT IN THEM. and regardless of who you are voting for or what political party you support, vote! we are really lucky to live in a country that allows us this privilege and this election has the potential to change a lot. please don't assume your country will go red/blue because the polls say it will.
bonus! democracy PLUS free coffee at starbucks and free ice cream at ben & jerry's for anyone who votes!
feel free to c&p this and share it with your friends list.