I'm anxious for the new Nylon issue with Zooey Deschanel on the cover to come in my mailbox. Her style is impeccable and she is so sweet and lovely. I also just got tickets to go see She & Him in November and I cannot contain my excitement! Check out her lovely out takes from this month's issue of Nylon:

Is anyone else falling in love with headband-veils that have been showing up lately? I'm absolutely in love with these veils that have turned into an everyday, but chic look.

Dita Von Teese.

Vogue Russia September 2008.
i love zooey. <3 she has a flawless sense of style.
aw lucky you're seeing she&him! the album is aiight. can't wait for the next nylon!
Nylon was brilliant in featuring Zooey.
I was JUST finishing up my Nylon with Zooey in it! She is great, and I'm becoming a fan quickly.
aww i so wish i could rock the veil headband look!
check out my blog!
I love Zooey! I can't wait until my nylon arrives myself! Love ur style!
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